Migrating to videojs-contrib-ads 5.0.0
Version 5 of videojs-contrib-ads includes a rewrite of the Redispatch feature. The goal of this rewrite was to provide reliable, maintainable, well-documented, and well-tested functionality.
- The behavior of Redispatch is now documented. You should review this documentation and confirm that your ad plugin does not have expectations that conflict with the documented behavior.
- When there is no preroll, you may no longer see extra play events. If your ad plugin relies on play events at the start of a video, you should verify its behavior.
- The definition of ad mode is now documented and consistent. As a result, you may find events that were unprefixed* during ad mode in previous versions that are now prefixed. Any code that listens to unprefixed events during ad mode should be checked.
*An unprefixed event is a normal media event while a prefixed event is one that has been redispatched. For example, play
is unprefixed and adplay
is prefixed.