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The contrib-ads library includes an optional ad macros feature, which allows ad plugins to incorporate runtime values into server URLs or configurations. Ad macros can be utilized to substitute specific placeholders in a URL string with dynamic values such as the player ID, page URL, or custom variables.

Here’s an example of how ad macros work. An ad plugin might use a URL like this:


Within the ad plugin code, the videojs-contrib-ads macro feature is applied as follows:

serverUrl =, true, additionalMacros);

This results in the final URL:


In this case, 12345 represents the player ID.


Replaces macros in a given string with their corresponding values.



Default Macros

Static Macros

Name Value
{} The player ID
{player.width} The current player width
{player.height} The current player height
{player.widthInt} The current player width as int
{player.heightInt} The current player height as int
{player.duration} The duration of current video *
{player.durationInt} The duration as int *
{} 1 if live, 0 if VOD *
{player.autoplay} 1 if set to autoplay, 0 if not
{player.muted} 1 if muted, 0 if not
{player.pageUrl} The page URL ** ***
{player.language} The current language of the player
{timestamp} Current epoch time
{document.referrer} Value of document.referrer ***
{window.location.href} Value of window.location.href
{random} A random number 0-1 trillion
{} Pulled from mediainfo object
{} Pulled from mediainfo object
{mediainfo.description} Pulled from mediainfo object
{mediainfo.tags} Pulled from mediainfo object
{mediainfo.reference_id} Pulled from mediainfo object
{mediainfo.duration} Duration from mediainfo object
{mediainfo.durationInt} Duration from mediainfo object as int
{mediainfo.ad_keys} Pulled from mediainfo object
{} Pulled from playlistinfo object
{} Pulled from playlistinfo object

* Returns 0 if video is not loaded. Be careful timing your ad request with this macro.

** Returns document referrer if in an iframe otherwise window location.

*** Document referrer may not return the full URL depending on the effective referrer policy.

Dynamic Macro: mediainfo.custom_fields.*

A macro such as {mediainfo.custom_fields.foobar} allows the user to access the value of any property in mediainfo.custom_fields.

Dynamic Macro: pageVariable.*

A macro such as {pageVariable.foobar} allows the user access the value of any property on the window object. Only certain value types are allowed, per this table:

Type What happens
String Used without any change
Number Converted to string automatically
Boolean Converted to string automatically
Null Returns the string "null"
Undefined Logs warning and returns empty string
Other Logs warning and returns empty string

TCF macros

If a CMP supporting the GDPR Transparency and Consent Framework is in use additional tcf macros are made available. The syntax is {tcf.*}, with * being a property in the tcData object. Most commonly used will be:

Name Value
{tcf.gdprApplies} Whether GDPR applies to the current session
{tcf.tcString} The consent string

Since gdprApplies is a boolean and many ad servers expect the value as an int, an additional {tcf.gdprAppliesInt} is provided which will return 1 or 0.

If the player is in an iframe, a proxy will be added if any parent frame is detected to gain consent with the postmessage API. The CMP must be loaded first.

US Privacy macros

Similar to TCF, if a CMP supporting the US Privacy API is in use, additional macros related to US Privacy are made available. At this time, one macro is supported.

Name Value
{usp.uspString} The US Privacy consent string, ex. ‘1YNN’

The USP API works a bit differently than TCF. In order to ensure that adMacroReplacement() replaces the macro with the most up-to-date consent string, it is recommended that the integrator first call, which is asynchronous due to how the USP API works. This plugin will automatically update the consent string at the time of initialization, but any changes to the consent string after initialization will only be picked up by calling again, like this: => {
  // adMacroReplacement() will now use the most current privacy string. You can also do something here with the `privacyString` directly.
  // The `privacyString` will be `null` if the USP API is unable to return any privacy information, or if the API is not present.'{usp.uspString}');

Default values in macros

A default value can be provided within a macro in the format {MACRO=DEFAULT}, in which case this value will be used where not resolvable e.g.{pageVariable.adConf=1234} becomes if window.adConf is undefined. If a blank default is given, there will be a blank param,{pageVariable.adConf=}&a=b becomes if window.adConf is unset.

Custom Macros

Custom macros can be added by providing an object to the customMacros parameter, with keys representing the macro names and values representing the macro values. For example, if you want to add a custom macro {myVar} with a value of 5, you can do so like this:

const stringWithMacros = "{myVar}";
const customMacros = {
  '{myVar}': 5
const replacedString =, false, customMacros);

This would result in the replacedString containing "".

Customizing Default Macro Names

You can also customize the names of any default macros, including dynamic macros, by providing a macroNameOverrides object within the customMacros parameter. For example, if you want to replace {} with ``, you can do so like this:

const stringWithMacros = "";
const customMacros = {
  macroNameOverrides: {
    '{}': ''
const replacedString =, false, customMacros);

This would result in the replacedString containing the player ID in place of the `` macro instead of the {} macro.

Disabling Default Macro Replacement

If you want to disable the replacement of default macros and only use custom macros, you can set the disableDefaultMacros property of the customMacros parameter to true. For example:

const stringWithMacros = "{}&custom_var={myVar}";
const customMacros = {
  '{myVar}': 5,
  disableDefaultMacros: true
const replacedString =, false, customMacros);

In this case, the replacedString would not replace the {} macro but would replace the custom {myVar} macro.

Regex Macros

Regular expressions can be used to match complex patterns and replace them with either dynamic values or existing default macro values. One use case for this feature is to support tokens with ambiguous whitespace. For example, vs.

Replacing Regex Macros with Custom Values

To replace a regex macro with a custom value, pass a key-value pair in the customMacros parameter with key in the format 'r:<REGEX_PATTERN>'. The value will be used as the replacement for any macros in the string that match the provided regex.

const someValue = 'customValue';
const stringWithMacros = "";

const replacedString =, false, {
  'r:': someValue

In this example, the replacedString will replace both the and macro with the value of someValue.

Overriding Default Macro Names with Regex Macros

You can also override a default macro name with a regex macro by passing a key-value pair to the macroNameOverrides property of the customMacros parameter with the key representing the default macro name and the value in the format 'r:<REGEX_PATTERN>'. Any macros in the string that match the regex will be replaced with the value that would normally replace the provided default macro.

const stringWithMacros = "";

const replacedString =, false, {
  macroNameOverrides: {
    '{player.duration}': 'r:'

In this example, the replacedString will replace the `` macro with the value that normally replaces the {player.duration} macro.